Mission Statement – The core mission of PRSHTH is to promote education in the field of digital technologies and make it accessible to everyone. We do offer participants to join us in achieving our vision.

Vision Statement – We believe that education should be accessible to everyone. A person’s access to resources should not be a roadblock in the way of knowledge acquisition. PRSHTH allows to learn complex digital technologies using affordable and easy to access means.

Values – History has taught us that education is the biggest catalyst to innovation. Removing all barriers to education allows individuals to build innovative products, become entrepreneur and serve humanity.

Target Market – PRSHTH can help students at any level of education. Students in school or colleges can benefit the most. There are also programs where educational institutes can get subscriptions and make it available to their students. We also offer our products to tutors who would like to use our products for teaching purposes.

Please reach out to us in case you need financial assistance to avail our products. 

Brief History – PRSHTH is a product of Lakshya LLC. It was founded in year 2020 by enthusiasts and like minded team of entrepreneurs. We always wanted to make digital technology affordable and accessible to everyone using innovative techniques. All our offerings use open source technologies and promote a collaborative approach towards expansion of knowledge. This website is also using one of the product that we offer to our customers.

We encourage anyone who is interested to join us and take this endeavor forward. Feel free to write to us using contact us page or through email at support@prshth.com