ज्ञानं परमं ध्येयम्

knowledge is the supreme goal

– Upanishad

Prshth is a sanskrit word for “page”. It signify a step towards a larger chapter of acquired knowledge. This site serves as building block or prshth of knowledge.

Everything that you wanted to learn about computer science and technology can be found here. Users of this website get hands-on access to various resources like

  • Database
  • Programming languages
  • Cloud concepts
  • DevOps
  • and many more

No installation

Avoid troubleshooting

  • Focus on learning instead of troubleshooting
  • Start learning in seconds instead of days and weeks of software setup
  • User only needs a light weight computer with browser and internet

Always available

Access anytime, anywhere

  • No need to carry your personal device
  • Your project work is never lost
  • Secure and reliable


No license fee

Pay for what you use

  • No need to spend on software licenses
  • Avoid pirated software and risk of viruses
  • No risk of unwanted software getting installed

Please add applications to your subscription using “Shop” menu above. Once your subscription is active, you can access all your applications under “My Account”.

Feel free to reach us in case of any queries.